21 нояб. 2018 г.

You're not the only one.

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You're not alone.


Udemy based their whole content strategy around content written by outside experts:

Here are the reasons why Udemy hired agencies to write new posts

Thinking about hiring Experts to write content for your blogs and website pages?

You're not the only one!

Ghostwriting is a really big thing. Since blogging is so time-consuming, even big companies like EventBrite and Evernote (who could easily hire a bunch of people just to write every day) hire agencies.

Great News: we can finally take on new customers

500 Words
$95.00 USD
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1,000 words
$195.00 USD
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Social Media
$0.00 USD if you buy monthly
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how well does it work?:

Fully booked for 1 year.

That's how busy we've been.

Due to the fact that our team is homegrown, we need a really long time after making the right hiring decisions to teach those new marketers and writers how Squirrly's agency works.

(research+writing+QA+proofreading+auditing expectation marketing).

We can't just hire someone and immediately make them work on your projects. They wouldn't be able to produce great content for you. (and you would fire us)

Therefore, we had to keep our gates closed for a lot of time now.

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premium service:

Have four experts check every new blog post

Up to four (sometimes five) people work on writing and producing each new blog post.

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Don't forget that you'll own the copyright for everything we produce and you'll be the only one to publish this content. 100% Original and ghost-written content from experts at Squirrly.

Our mailing address is:
20-22 Wenlock Road
London, England N1 7GU
United Kingdom

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