11 июн. 2019 г.

Lesson 3: How to Optimize Content Like a PRO

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Lesson 3:


Goal for today: use Briefcase & optimize your Focus Page for the found keyword. Then index with Search Console..

Last time, in Lesson 2, you've managed to find a great keyword for that super important page you'll want to focus on.

I gave you all the details regarding how to pick keywords and how to match the results of your keyword research to the focus page.

As you can see on the animated gif above, each page in WordPress has different red and green lights. Each one has a different path to better rankings.

Now, if SEO Content and the SEO Optimization of your content has been a struggle for you, then this is an important lesson:
Read Lesson 3 (Recipe for Day 3)
Today's recipe will teach you brand new and practical skills.

It will also help you avoid the #1 mistake that WP site owners make every time they publish new content. You'll find that at the end of the lesson.
Keep Ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly
florin muresan how to tutorial
Instructor: Florin Muresan, the CEO of Squirrly.
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