19 июн. 2020 г.

One Year Fee for Squirrly SEO PRO. Version for 3 Sites. And one for 7 sites.

Your One Year Fee. This One Has Never Been Seen Before.

Sorry for yesterday's link. It didn't read well on mobile devices, so we've created the new one (which explains more about this One Year Fee)

The brand new Squirrly SEO PRO:

for 3 sites: Save $273.00 USD every single year from now on.

for 7 sites: Save $234.04 USD every single year from now on.

You should really go to our plugin's site and test it for yourself.

There have been so many questions about the A.I., that I'm still going through everything. Me and my team are also getting the gifts and the prizes ready for the official launch on the 30th of June 2020, so there's a lot to do.

This offer won't be available again any time soon. We've actually created the 3 sites offer to help you get started, because I think you need to see this for yourself.

The A.I. which powers the new PRO brings you unique SEO goals that you need to achieve in order to rank in top 10. (see how unique they are. and here you can see it's on the same level as what most human SEO consultants would offer you)

In order to decide which goals you need to achieve it checks your current chances of ranking, just like Google does. Studying 600,000 websites with ranking history, it can tell which changes actually lead to search ranking improvements. And when you see (in Focus Pages) the chances of ranking, you get to see a score that is based on what our system notices about Google's algorithm changes.

600,000 sites, with thousands of new ones added every single week, offer it a huge pool of information to draw the best conclusions about your actual chances of ranking and what you need to improve to rank higher.

This goes way beyond the optimization of text on page with tf-idf and other old-school techniques. Just the words themselves don't matter as much as Traffic Health, Platform Health, Audit Score and the other aspects checked by Squirrly.

Lock it in with these pre-order prices, and the prices will never change for you.

You'll be able to keep that plan for years to come, if you want.

Our long awaited product is here. You can find it in WordPress under Plugins. Update to 10.0.10 and you will be able to see it in action.

It allows you to try Focus Pages, Success Messages and the Daily SEO Goals even on the free version, for one page only.

However, it is more than enough to see how the system works and how you will get to become as successful as everyone in our success stories.

Yahoo News: "Every business wants to be on the first page of Google search. Yet, understanding how to make that happen leaves all too many small business owners shaking their heads in frustration. And forces them to turn to consultants they often can't easily afford. The tech and marketing nerds at a company called, Squirrly Limited, say there is a new way forward - and it starts by taking humans out of the equation."

Indrastra: "the marketing software analyzes and offers recommendations for improving the client's website, identifies actionable steps for boosting Google rankings, and then monitors SEO performance and makes adjustments to the strategy, as appropriate. As such, the software has been dubbed Squirrly 2020: Smart Strategy."

Business Insider: "The complexities of SEO can also leave businesses feeling at the mercy of high-paid consultants who throw around unfamiliar terminology like UX and click-through and keywords and backlinks and algorithms and redirects. These sentiments are expressed in testimonial after testimonial from Squirrly clients on its website who rave about the results they've experienced, the money saved, the marketing knowledge they have acquired and the growth of their business."

ChiefContent: "The job of a traditional SEO consultant is to analyze, review and improve websites, provide expert advice and actionable recommendations to achieve higher Google Rankings, and monitor SEO performance. This is the core of what an SEO consultant does. And the software created by Squirrly covers all of it."

Finanzen: "Launched in 2012 in the UK, Squirrly Limited today has over 6,400 clients in 90 countries, including such megabrands as Microsoft and the BBC. Yet, it says the heart of its focus is "the little guy" – i.e. the small and medium-sized businesses and bloggers that need expert marketing support so they can keep focused on day-to-day operations."

If you buy the Pre-Order special for Squirrly SEO 2020 today, you will have 76% OFF of the new price. Forever. (for 3 sites only).

A super discounted plan for 7 sites is also available.

Buy Squirrly SEO 2020: Smart Strategy today. Get 76% OFF.

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