20 мар. 2017 г.

In the Wake of 2017 and 2018 for Squirrly SEO. Your License, Understanding Payments and Launch Dates.


Today is a good day.

We're getting closer and closer to the full release of Squirrly 2017. We've just tested the G17 version of our Squirrly Keyword Research tool. We've taken a lot more details into account when offering the new keywords for you.

Anyway, until I tell you more about what's going on right now in the background there are some questions I need to address.

Since my last developer update, many of you have asked questions regarding the PRO subscription and the new releases of Squirrly SEO.

It's my job today to clarify what the new updates mean to you.

Here is the Summary for what we'll have in today's email:

1) Do I Need to Purchase Something Else ? Do I need to purchase anything?

2) Why would I pay the PRO Version? How Is this Early Access?

3) Why Squirrly SEO and Not Other Plugins?

4) License and Terms

5) BackStage Access

6) Youtube Channel Winners

7) Announcing the Dates for the Release of 2017 and 2018.

Let's see:

1) Do I Need to Purchase Something Else ? Do I need to purchase anything?

No, you do not need to purchase anything else, in order to get access to Squirrly SEO 2017.

This answer holds true for the following types of licenses: free, pro, agency, lifetime.

Versions of software products like Microsoft Windows, or versions of hardware products like the iPhone usually require a new kind of purchase every time these companies launch something new.

Your Free, PRO and Agency licenses always cover you for the features that we launch for our Squirrly SEO software.

The only license type that has restrictions is the One Time Fee plan. The one time plan (also called: Lifetime License or Old Squirrly) only has upgrades including the 2017 version of Squirrly SEO, but then it stops. Which means that the new innovations and features of Squirrly SEO 2018 will only be made available to free, pro and agency users, not one time.

2) Why would I pay the PRO Version? How Is this Early Access?

The best part of being a PRO user is that you always get the best updates that we make, without having to wait for special release events. That's why in one of my last emails I told you that already 70% of the 2017 version has been rolled out and you can start using it.

Because you pay us a monthly fee, we can keep improving the product for you. It then seems only fair to me that we make sure you get quick access to everything we build.

Unlike other plugin developers, we don't make you go to a special website to download the latest .zip file. We don't ask for un-installs and re-installs and stuff like that. We provide you with a frictionless experience, because you deserve it.

The Early Access has already been rolled out server side (on our own servers, where most of your Squirrly SEO works from) and in the latest version of the plugin (which you get simply by clicking Update inside your WordPress -> Plugins interface).

3) Why Squirrly SEO and Not Other Plugins?

This is another question that we get asked a lot. Here's the most common question and then our own answer:

"I have a very sensitive question to ask.  I know this may sound brash, but I have decisions to make.
Can you–without tons of super-salesman promotion–tell me how your product is different from Yoast?"

The answer:

The main difference is that Squirrly offers 108 features as opposed to just 15 for SEO. Yoast is a very basic plugin, even though it is indeed a good one. Even if you have the free version of Squirrly, you still get a lot more for SEO than you would using other plugins. With the new version we'll soon launch, you will be able to optimize every single URL of your site. Something you can't do in any other plugin. You will have full control over how Google sees your pages and over how people see your pages in social media feeds (on Facebook, twitter, linkedin, google plus).
Yes, and this part that gives you full control will be an addition to Squirrly SEO and it will be free of charge. Also, it will have most of the premium stuff offered in the pro version of yoast.

Squirrly's PRO features are things that would cost over $600 / month to get from other SEO Software: exact google rankings for pages, advanced SEO keyword research, SEO Audits, Blog Audits, Social Media Audits, Inspiration Box, copyright-free images, Performance Analytics. yoast nor any other classic SEO plugin offer any of these functions.

I hope this answers the question in a non-salesy way. People keep recommending yoast because it has been around for 8 years and because it's very simple. Also, people recommend it because that's what people typically recommend and they want to simply go with the flow and "say what people are saying".

It's the reason why we've made Squirrly SEO integrate with it. We think those features are basic anyway, and the PRO features we offer are what really make the difference in on-page SEO.

4) License and Terms

Please read the new Terms of Use and make sure you agree to them.

The continued use of our products and websites means that you agree with the terms written there.

5) BackStage Access

Very soon we will launch BackStage access for those of you who are our best fans.

The backstage access will allow you to get the best written updates about what we're working on and what we're introducing in Squirrly SEO 2018 (which has still just been rumored, but too few is known yet).

You will get to see it before anyone else. We will pick the ones who we think are most interested in our products. If you think you want to be on the list reply to this email saying: "I want in!"

I'll know what to do. Backstage access is the best way for you to prepare for our next version of Squirrly SEO.

6) Youtube Channel Winners

Yes, the Youtube Winners! A lifetime license has just been won today, when I drew the winner LIVE on youtube. I did this because I'm a big believer in the new ways the Internet allows companies to be more transparent about how they do business. 

The winners of the Better Marketer giveaway had also been drawn live after that campaign ended. The feedback was really great, because everyone could see the winners being drawn fairly.

Find out if you won.

7) Announcing the Dates for the Release of 2017 and 2018.

Next week: We're releasing Squirrly SEO 2017. (30th March 2017)

April 24th to 27th, we'll release the Full Squirrly SEO 2018 version.

Thank you for reading the updates. Thanks for your continued support,
Florin Muresan and the Squirrly Team.

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