14 мая 2018 г.

Свежие новости ленты "Почтовая" от 2018-05-14 21:04:37

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"Яндекс.Новости: Автоспорт"      [ наверх ]

Сильверстоун не примет юбилейный Гран-при из-за погодных условий
2018-05-14 20:08
Руководство Формулы-1 хотело провести юбилейные соревнования в Сильверстоуне, где состоялся первый Гран-при в 1950-м году, но из-за погодных условий от этой идеи было решено отказаться.

На тестах Mercedes отработают основные пилоты
2018-05-14 18:28
Во вторник за руль сядет Льюис Хэмилтон, в среду – Валттери Боттас.

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Свежие новости ленты "Почтовая" от 2018-05-14 19:06:28

Subscribe.Ru Новости ленты "Почтовая"

Свежие новости выписываемой вами ленты "Почтовая".
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"Яндекс.Новости: Автоспорт"      [ наверх ]

«Ферарри» и «Заубер» назвали состав пилотов на тесты
2018-05-14 15:17
Гоночные команды Формулы-1 «Феррари» и «Заубер» назвали имена пилотов, которые примут участие в первых официальных тестах чемпионата мира по ходу сезона-2018 в Барселоне после Гран-при Испании.

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Time to get squirrly with the Social Media Assistant from Squirrly - 💫✨ Social Squirrly


An Assistant for Social Media. Coming to your screens very soon.

We already showed you our 300 Readers social media course. Now it's time to do a lot more. 

Social media publishing brings a world of frustration. I will talk about the frustrations and the problems of publishing to social media in a future email.

My experience with social media publishing tools has been like a roller coaster ride. Sometimes high, sometimes low. Sometimes I just wished social media stopped existing altogether.

I've been a social media manager since 2008-2009. In 10 years, platforms came and went with the tide. Some became stronger, while others were swept under the wave.

I've mentored two different companies who developed solutions for Social Media Publishing. To one of them I've also been an advisor and helped them get an investment.

Regardless of how much I knew about social media strategy, regardless of how many tools I've tested, it was never enough. There just hasn't been a tool where I could schedule interesting content for my brand in just 3 minutes.

That has all recently changed, once I started using the Social Media Assistant from a new tool called: Social Squirrly.

You know... I mean: just 3 minutes spent on this every two weeks. Quite remarkable, isn't it?

This is the first tool that we haven't fully developed ourselves, but I'm fully confident in it. It's been a pleasure working with the technology partners who made this possible. Our support team for the Social Squirrly project is a lot larger than we would have ever anticipated, which gets me excited because I love quality in Customer Service.

For the first time in forever I had someone pitch me the idea of an assistant software, and not the other way around. Usually I make people think about creating software that assists and guides users.

With these brilliant developers, Squirrly could create a new kind of Assistant: an assistant which:
- finds the best relevant news for your industry (people pay $50 USD / 20 twitter posts on average, when they ask agencies to curate content for them; here you get awesome sauce for $0 ZERO USD.)
- helps you organize all these new items in categories (under 3 clicks)
- automatically adds the most effective hashtags to the posts you create (gets you Maximum exposure on social networks)
- helps you add emojis (automagically or manually)

I'm sharing this with you, because for the first time in over 3 years, I finally had a way to schedule new awesome posts to my personal brand accounts, without having to find time for it.

I'm busy developing the Squirrly Company and serving so many customers. We're also starting some great new partnerships to expand the amazing things you get from Squirrly. There's like no way I could have spent any time on my profiles.

Now, there's finally a way. And I don't have to take away more than 3 minutes once every two weeks from my busy schedule.

It's coming real soon. Ask me anything you want about it.

Oh, yes: some of you have already asked me via email reply a couple of weeks back when I wrote about the Social Media Assistant: YES: you will be able to publish an article on your WordPress, and then have the Social Media Assistant add it to your queue inside of Social Squirrly. We've been working on this ever since we received the request from you wonderful people.

Keep Ranking!

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Denis Rem только что добавил(а) видео

Пользователь Denis Rem добавил видео "Нелегкий выбор между BMW 530i E39 и BMW 540i E39" Новости из мира авторынка в...

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Нелегкий выбор между BMW 530i E39 и BMW 540i E39
Нелегкий выбор между BMW 530i E39 и BMW 540i E39
Denis Rem
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Ладная Лада: тестируем Lada Vesta SW Cross

2018-05-14 14:13 Ладная Лада: тестируем Lada Vesta SW Cross
Невообразимо оранжевая Lada Vesta SW Cross сверкает на солнце в ожидании тест-драйва. Неужели это и вправду АВТОВАЗ? Хочется побыстрее начать тест-драйв, чтобы посмотреть, не обман ли это зрения. Разберёмся с вопросами офтальмологии на тест-драйве портала «Автодела».

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