Lessons 1 and 2: Lesson 1: Everything You Need to Know About Home Page Optimization Home Page Optimization doesn't seem like a complicated SEO task. But it is not similar to optimizing any other blog or page. Depending on the template or theme you have on your site you'll find that on your Home Page you have continuously changing content. Either by a blog feed or other elements. So that's why today we'll focus on SEO Homepage Optimization on WordPress sites. And see how we can take care of this aspect See Lesson 1 Lesson 2: How To Turn a Page With ZERO SEO Value into a page with Massive SEO Value In today's video we'll take a look at pages from http://hseo.tv/ and also at pages that have ZERO elements that are useful for SEO. Today's stream should clearly de-mystify the seemingly magical aspects of Search Engine Optimization. I keep saying that there's a difference between the SEO article and the packaging of that article. It's usually pretty hard to explain, but with this video I should be able to paint a clear picture into what I mean. See Lesson 2 |