Our long awaited product is ready. Sales start today. As promised, Squirrly SPY launches today, and we're happy to give you a special discount on your purchase. A quick note about the way we structured this product. If you want you can just skip ahead to the next section with the product and the Special Launch Offer. Until now, only our Starbox product was based on a One Time Payment. However, after talking to people and seeing how they prefer to buy, we've decided to offer a "per report" pricing method. You only pay once for a report. This puts Squirrly SPY in a special place, because other products for spying on competitors only offer monthly payments. A monthly payment makes sense for a product like Squirrly SEO, where value is delivered in time across many months. However, unless you're in super-stalker mode, you won't need to constantly spy the website architecture, the keywords and everything else from your competitors. (however if you need that, we have a tool for that as well) Most of the people who helped us test the concept for this new product preferred to buy a total of 3 reports, on average. One for their site. Two for main competitors. Thank you for following the launch series and all our latest emails. | | The Official Launch Day is Finally Here :-D You can re-watch this video of Squirrly SPY in action and with all my explanations here:  To buy your Squirrly Spy reports and start spying on your competitors, you can go to the official website. In the previous days I've shown you the video where I go over a few Spy reports and I've also given you access to the Google Drive folder which held many samples. Since the reports have a human-made component, we can't offer huge discounts as we sometimes do for purely software-based products. However, there's a $12 USD discount on every single report you buy, so if you buy 3 reports, that's $36 USD off. | | Official Listing Price: $50 USD / report | | The Launch Special Edition Price: $38 USD / report, IF YOU pay via card and make sure you apply the coupon during checkout. The coupon is found below. I've made sure to highlight the exact line you need to copy and then paste during checkout. Remember: this does not apply for PayPal checkouts. Only when you pay via card. | | | | |