22 апр. 2019 г.

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👀👂How Do Generic SEO Plugins Work in WordPress and Why Is Squirrly SEO Different?

How Do Generic SEO Plugins Work in WordPress and Why Is Squirrly SEO Different?

Due to the marketing they practise, it's not clear how little these so-called complete plugins actually do for SEO

I've shown people videos for how to check the source code to figure out if their SEO plugins actually work. They were amazed. They didn't know that all a SEO plugin does is place bits of code in the source code on their behalf.

Long story short: there's a lot more that goes into real SEO for your WordPress.

That's why SEO experts usually consider such plugins meaningless. Well, except for Squirrly SEO 2019.

It's time for some good 'ol myth busting.

Revealing all the "magic" that these plugins promise they offer.

Find out what a generic SEO Plugin for WordPress actually does

Keep Ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO, Squirrly

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