4 мая 2017 г.

☀🌌🌞Friends get Excited - Squirrly SEO 2018 - Get it Today. Details, Next Features We're Adding, Launch Video and Tutorial


Special Day!

Last week, we've launched the BETA of Squirrly SEO 2018. Here is the Video from our Launch Event. It's now available on Youtube.

Today: The Official Release of Squirrly SEO 2018. What does it offer you? How can you get access to all of it?

Squirrly SEO 2018 = Upgraded Version of Squirrly SEO + My.Squirrly.Co + Facebook Pixel (most advanced for WP) + Quick Squirrly SEO plugin + Education Cloud.

Upgraded version of Squirrly SEO 2017 . What does Upgraded mean? - Please click the link and see the upgrades we've made to it and also the NEXT features we will soon release.

Upgrades are shown in the 4th list on that board. It reads: DONE.

You get to see on that link all the next releases that we'll make very soon.

First Thing: Update your plugin to version 8.0.0.

Nothing gets deleted. Everything gets added.

Please have a look at this again.

Squirrly SEO 2018 = Upgraded Version of Squirrly SEO + My.Squirrly.Co + Facebook Pixel (most advanced for WP) + Quick Squirrly SEO plugin + Education Cloud.

Squirrly SEO 2018 offers even more amazing add-ons around our already existing SEO plugin for WordPress.

All of these are intended to be used together and they are perfect companions to one another.

Quick SEO Plugin - it's what the Apple Pencil was for the iPad PRO. See how it's designed to work with Squirrly SEO 2018.

Squirrly SEO 2018 was initially planned to be released in 2018 (well, yes; hence the name).

We ended up finishing our planned upgrades a lot faster. One of our new super powers is ready to be used.

You probably know that most of the special apps that the iPad PRO has to offer would be completely useless without the Apple Pencil.

What point is there to having sophisticated design apps, when the user has to use a finger to draw? It wouldn't have worked.

It was the same thing with us. What point is there to building the best tools for On-Page SEO in Squirrly SEO, when there are a couple of WordPress platform related problems that we can't solve?

Well, the Quick SEO Plugin unlocks everything for us. From now on, all the suggestions that we give you can be implemented. You can fix any duplicate or empty meta inside of your website.

You finally have FULL Control over your META information and Over your Social Media information (open graph and twitter cards) on every single URL you can have for your website: including /category pages, /tags pages. Every URL. We've even tested with URLs generated by inner-site search. And it works. You can customize and optimize everything now.

Unlike Apple, we give you our Add-On to Squirrly SEO for FREE if you have a Squirrly SEO 2018 license (for plans: free, pro, agency).

Because you now have access to Quick SEO by Squirrly, we can give you more and more ideas on how to optimize URLs and keywords inside of your site, to maximize your SEO success.

Squirrly SEO can now bring you more and better details regarding actions you can take. Because with the additional plugin you can do more settings.

Therefore: Squirrly SEO will be the mastermind. It's a complete powerhouse that helps you analyze and uncover SEO opportunities. Quick SEO by Squirrly will be the helper. You can use it to customize no-index, no-link-juice, meta tags, title tags, canonical links, open graph info, twitter card info for any kind of URL on your site.

Squirrly tells you what to do. Quick SEO helps you do it.

Squirrly SEO also takes care of the MAJOR settings in your site. (XML sitemap, site structure settings, JSON-LD, social media information, rich pins, woo-commerce integration, etc.)

We think it makes perfect sense to have them like this.

Download Quick SEO by Squirrly

Tutorial for using Quick SEO by Squirrly - In the Launch Event Video. (demo starts at minute: 15)

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel.

In the next few weeks we'll start adding videos on how me and Alexandra (our Chief of Operations) use Squirrly SEO 2018 features.

On the Youtube Channel we also show other exciting marketing tools you can use.


With Squirrly SEO 2018, the my.squirrly.co back-end that we offer for your Squirrly SEO accounts becomes much more useful.

You can see all your connected sites and all your audits.

PRO users can request a new Audit for each website every single hour.

Keyword Research -> more thorough way to interact with the keywords that are generated by our algorithm. You will soon be able to export keyword research data.

Live Assistant -> soon to be added here as well. We'll show you how you can start optimizing any content from a Shopify product to a Youtube video description.

Facebook Pixel

The most advanced plugin on the market for integrating Facebook Pixel.

Works amazingly well with WooCommerce and knows many types of tracking events that will be useful for your advertiser account in Facebook.

Look at the roadmap to see our next plans for it.

Education Cloud

Alexandra announced its release in our Launch Video for Squirrly SEO 2018.

6 Training Modules are available. See more about it in the video. To register, go here.

YouTube - New video and Live Chat Every thursday 4 PM, London Time
Twitter - New Lessons you can read on twitter, every Mon. and Tue.
Instagram - Get Inspired, See when new Episodes Air and #Selfies
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