21 авг. 2018 г.

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СТО Ковш только что добавил(а) видео

Пользователь СТО Ковш добавил видео "Как проверить герметичность посадки насос-форсунок на работающем двигателе VW Transporter 2.5d (AXD)" Услуги СТО "Ковш": https://...

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Как проверить герметичность посадки насос-форсунок на работающем дв...
Как проверить герметичность посадки насос-форсунок на работающем дв...
СТО Ковш
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This Just In: Your Customers Want a Relationship

It's official: Connection breeds commitment. Just ask the 82% of consumers who say an emotional connection drives them to remain loyal to a brand. And how do you create connection on social media? By being open, real and empathetic. Data shows...
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Why Sprout Social?

It's official: connection breeds commitment.

Just ask the 82% of consumers who say an emotional connection inspires them to remain loyal to a brand.

The question is: how do you create connection on social media?

By being open, real and empathetic.

Data shows:

94% of consumers are likely to stay loyal to brands that provide complete transparency

86% of consumers seek authenticity when deciding which brands to support

80% of consumers are more likely to buy when provided personalized experiences

It's time to start creating real connection.

Find out how Sprout Social's tailored solutions can help you find, form and deepen connections with your target audience.

From publishing and engagement to social listening and data analytics, we have you covered.

Social has evolved and your customers have followed suit.

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«Пиратские корабли» для пользователя Торговый Дом

Flying Dutchman Monarch       Ри...