15 авг. 2018 г.

To Continue, we need your help

To Continue we need your help:

These past few days I was thinking that I want to make the Squirrly Company brand experience better.

But... guess what? 

I can't do it without your help. There is no significant, world-changing improvement which you can accomplish all on your own. You need help. Just like any visionary, any innovator, any creative needs help from a friend, so do I.

2 Minutes of your time is all I ask for.

Complete this survey.

Your help will be invaluable, super appreciated and it will help great services you'll fall in love with come to life.

You can answer anonymously, there's no need to offer any personal info. Just be yourself and be honest. For those of you who do want to let me know you've completed the survey, there will be an optional question at the end.

I've compiled a few questions which will help me improve your experience with our brand, our customer service and our services. 

I just want to find out how you think about the Squirrly Company and the Squirrly SEO Plugin. I realize how precious your time is. That's why I made sure these questions will only take 2 minutes of your time. (really, I timed it!)

Start Here

I want to thank YOU for every second you'll invest in our research. You rock!

Keep Ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly

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Don't Let Stagnation Kill Your Social Strategy

[Last Chance Registration] The Evolution of Marketing in Social Media. Your social media strategy must adapt to succeed. Learn how from the professionals at Sprout Social. Our CMO and Head of Brand Strategy are putting on an exclusive webinar discussing the evolution of marketing in social and how you can succeed by creating real connection with your target audience...

Free Webinar

The Evolution of Social Media Marketing

Our CMO and Head of Brand Strategy are putting on an exclusive webinar discussing the evolution of marketing in social and how you can succeed by creating real connection with your target audience.

Join the webinar to learn:

Why social has evolved from a one‑way communication tool to a platform for connection

Ways brands can leverage transparency, authenticity and personalization on social

How Sprout Social's suite of solutions empower brands to cultivate genuine connections


Thursday, August 16, 2018
at 11:00am CT


P.S. Can't make it on 8/16 but still want to learn more? Register anyway and we'll send you the recording afterwards!

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sproutsocial.com  1.866.878.3231  info@sproutsocial.com 
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