2 июл. 2019 г.

🏆 We’ve just achieved a big milestone on Product Hunt. Join the celebration

So, this happened.

Squirrly Spy is on the Product Hunt Podium, and we're incredibly excited to be featured among the top 3 products for so many topics:

First Place in Wordpress Topic 

Second Place in Analytics Topic

Second Place in SEO Tools Topic

Second Place in Software Engineering Topic

Third Place in Marketing Topic

You are one of the reasons why Squirrly Spy exists in the first place, so we wanted to share this special moment with you. 
Come check out our official listing on Product Hunt.

Look around, and feel free to ask any questions you perhaps have about Squirrly Spy. 

Of course, we'd really appreciate if you gave the product an Upvote. 

Thank you in advance for your support. You're awesome.


P.S. For those of you who don't know, Product Hunt is a cool website where users share and discover the latest products, from social media software to VR for cats. There's also a voting system that allows users to show support for their favorite products. 
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