11 янв. 2015 г.

evgeny, These Gold Suppliers Are Enjoying Great Business And Benefits. Join Them.

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evgeny, These Gold Suppliers are Enjoying Great Business And Benefits. Join Them.
Dear evgeny,
Thousands of Alibaba.com members have enjoyed the benefits of upgrading to Gold Supplier. Here are some stories from our Gold Suppliers, as well as the from the buyers who do business with them.
What suppliers say about Gold supplier membership:
Upgrade to get good offer
"We doubled our exports with Gold Supplier!"
Since becoming a Premium Gold Supplier member, the volume of our exports has doubled. So far, we receive around 30 to 35 inquiries per month and have closed 4 deals.....[Details]
Mr. Syed Gohar, Industry: Agriculture[ PakistanPakistan]
Upgrade to get good offer
"I recommend Gold Supplier to any company in any country. There is no other website that can generate exposure like Alibaba.com."
Now, about 75% of all our inquiries come from Alibaba, and 10% are from referrals of satisfied Alibaba customers....[Details]
Mr. Carl Carter, Manager, Industry: Printing & Packaging[ United States]
For more success stories, click here
What Buyers say about Alibaba.com:
"We are growing very quickly with suppliers that we met on Alibaba.com"
We are growing very quickly with suppliers that we met on Alibaba.com," said A.J. "A lot of the savings we get from sourcing directly from manufacturers trickles down to our customers...[Details]
Mr. AJ Forsythe, Founder and CEO, Industry: Electronics [ United States]
Upgrade to Gold supplier now to enjoy all the benefits .
Upgrade Now
Learn more about Gold Supplier here. 
Your Account ID: autoinfodom@gmail.com
Email: goldsupplier@member.alibaba.com
Wishing you the very best of business!
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