16 июн. 2016 г.

Firebase joins forces with GCP | June Google Cloud Platform Newsletter

Explore the mobile development platform's new cloud storage and analytics capabilities.
Google Cloud Platform
Google's machine learning chip fast forwards the future.
The Tensor Processing Unit's (TPUs) power-per-watt performance leapfrogs Moore's Law with a seven-year jump into the future. Meet the chip behind TensorFlow and Cloud Machine Learning.
Open-source SyntaxNet advances Natural Language Understanding.
Now anyone can train models with SyntaxNet, an open-source neural network framework for Natural Language Understanding (NLU). Try it out with pre-trained Parsey McParseface, the world's most accurate parser.
The best of all things GCP from Google I/O 2016.
Couldn't make I/O? Check out the top GCP presentations in one YouTube playlist. Stop time with Cloud Spin, make sense of IoT, or watch big data experts tackle Election 2016.
Explore a galaxy of images with Cloud Vision API.
Fly through a 3D representation of the Cloud Vision API output. Navigate a photo galaxy to see how machine intelligence accurately detects the content of 80,984 images.
Slash cloud costs with preemptible VMs.
Preemptible VMs can offer significant savings on batch jobs and fault-tolerant workloads. Follow step-by-step instructions developer Daniel Cukier devised to cut his cloud costs by 48%.
Udacity course: Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes.
Get up to speed with container tools and best practices. Led by industry experts, this online class is part of Udacity's upcoming DevOps Nanodegree program.
Learn to auto-resize persistent disks in Compute Engine.
Impossible in the non-cloud world, GCP lets you change the size of a disk on the fly with a simple API call. Check disk utilization and adjust the size as needed—with no downtime.
Bigger is better: BigQuery 1.11 launch raises the bar for big data.
GCP's serverless analytics data warehouse adds new features to enhance compatibility with big data workflows. Standard SQL, IAM, and partitioned tables lead the list of what's new.
Role control: enterprise-grade access management with Cloud IAM.
Enterprise-grade Identity and Access Management for GCP resources. Fine-tune permissions and roles across hundreds of workgroups and any number of projects from a single interface.
A cloud apart: why Compute Engine is unique in IaaS.
Forbes spotlights five capabilities unique to Compute Engine. Built to maximize infrastructure utilization, features like online disk resizing and preemptible VMs boost speed—and lower costs.
San Francisco, CA June 26–29
Portland, OR June 27–29
San Francisco, CA June 27–30
New York City, NY June 28–29
San Jose, CA June 28–30

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