18 авг. 2016 г.

Alibaba Last Quarter 2016 Highlights

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Alibaba Last Quarter 2016 Highlights

Dear evgeny,

During last quarter, Alibaba group Revenue growth far exceeds GMV growth due to increasing monetization in Core Commerce and revenue traction from Cloud Computing and diversification into Digital Media and Entertainment.


Total revenue YoY growth of 59% was driven by accelerated revenue growth of China commerce retail, robust growth of Cloud Computing, strong monetization of UCWeb users and acquisition of Youku.

Revenue increase in China commerce retail business was primarily driven by online marketing services revenue as a result of deep value proposition that we bring to our to customerslatest fiscal year. The number of annual active buyers in Alibaba Group has incredibly risen up to 434 Million, a a net addition of 11 million annual active buyers from the prior quarter.


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Wishing you all the best.


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