14 авг. 2016 г.

Lesson 4: Effective Conversion Elements and How to Implement Them

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Growing your email list is a crucial part of the lead generation process. The problem is that people don't just give away their email address randomly. You have to create incentives in order to convince them.

That's the focus of this lesson: how to gain more subscribers through your WordPress website.

Here are 9 more super awesome ways you can grow your email list.

Every business is different, as are their audiences and clients. Finding the best way of gaining more leads usually involves a lot of trial and error. Even when you're happy with your conversion rate, you should continue testing. There is always room for improvement.

With the ideas presented in lesson 4, you won't run out of testing options anytime soon.

Best regards,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly
Read the Lesson
Florin Muresan, the CEO of Squirrly.
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