20 окт. 2016 г.

GCP and Niantic Labs: Training Pokémon GO

How they live scaled, debugged, and deployed to millions of players.
Google Cloud Platform
Newsletter | October 2016
What do you think? Please fill out our feedback form for the GCP Newsletter.
Why Kubernetes is winning the container war.
The product of 15 years of Google R&D, open-source Kubernetes is emerging as a leader in container orchestration. See why it's #1 on GitHub—and inspired 36,000+ Open Hub commits.
Google, SkyTruth, and Oceana launch Global Fishing Watch.
Fish are the primary source of protein for more than 1 billion people. A new initiative that uses machine learning to monitor the world's fishing fleets could be a lifesaver. Explore the interactive Global Fishing Watch map.
With the Partnership on AI, the ethics of data evolve.
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM have teamed up to address the ethics of AI. From the halls of MIT to new books, an editorial in Nature to a White House statement, the ethics behind new data technologies has become a hot topic.
Google Jigsaw uses TensorFlow to slay Internet trolls.
Google Jigsaw uses AI technology to combat online hate, censorship, and violent extremism—and recently powered a bot to keep The New York Times' comments free, fair, and open.
Spaces or tabs? BigQuery settles the debate.
One billion files. 400K GitHub repos. 14TB of data. Finally, a definitive answer to the question that has plagued coders and dashed television romances. Have an interesting public data set you'd like added to BigQuery? Get in touch.
Prototype your IoT app on GCP.
Want to get started with IoT? GCP has partnered with Seeed Studio and BeagleBoard.org to create this off-the-shelf IoT prototyping kit to help you get up to speed.
Visualizing 35 petabytes of the U.S. financial market.
Follow along as FIS creates a UI to aid regulators. Using BigQuery, Bigtable, and Dataflow, the team developed a way to navigate all (yes all) 35PB of Financial Information eXchange (FIX) data.
Landmark detection with Vision API.
Is that the Eiffel Tower in Paris—or the Paris Casino in Las Vegas? It's harder to fool Vision API than you'd think. Find out just why it's so accurate, try it for yourself, and add it to your own apps.
Build a real-time analytics pipeline.
It's been tough to move from using batch to stream processing for real-time data ingestion and analysis. Until now. This webinar shows you how to use BigQuery and Dataflow to get up and running.
Diane Greene discusses the $625M Apigee acquisition.
Why Apigee? Nearly $3 billion will be spent on API management by 2020. For Google, it offers a fully baked API management solution to connect back-end services to the mobile-first future.
Cloud Machine Learning enters public beta.
Create, train, and add machine learning to your operations and applications. Learn how to get started with the newly announced certification program and professional services for machine learning.
BigQuery: an enterprise data warehouse in the cloud.
BigQuery adds capabilities core to big data workloads. Standard SQL, write-back support through DML, pay-as-you-go—or optional flat-rate pricing for unlimited queries—further democratize data analytics.
Container Engine integrates new Kubernetes 1.4 capabilities.
Powered by newly released Kubernetes 1.4, Container Engine (GKE) now delivers true multi-cloud support, featuring cluster add-on monitoring, one-click cluster spin-up, and support for the new Google Container-VM Image (GCI).
New regions extend GCP's global coverage.
GCP now serves over a billion end users. Eight new regions are coming online in 2017 to ensure every customer has a region near them.
October 20
GCP Lighthouse NY
November 1
KubeCon Seattle
November 8–9
GCP NEXT São Paulo
November 10
Tectonic Summit NYC
December 12–13

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