27 окт. 2016 г.

The Cart Function was down for a couple of hours. Leprechaun says the site's been fixed. Claim Your Prizes all the way

Your Winning Page

There was a bit of a problem with the Add to Cart button today, so we're resending the page with the Prizes for those of you who got to the Leprechaun but couldn't claim the prizes.

Here is the Page with Your Prizes for the Game:

Remember: it gets you an amazing 78% off on the one time fee for Squirrly that for the first time ever works just like a PRO Plan.

This offer is available only until the 29th of October. It's Autumn already and we began working on Squirrly SEO 2017. You can pay only once, get the Squirrly 2016 and also secure your ticket for Squirrly 2017.

Amazing discount + pro account for starbox.

Get them now: http://www.squirrly.co/go/feanor-palace-hallway

Recently, the Search Engine Watch Magazine wrote a TOP 3 of SEO Plugins for WordPress, and we were named in second place with Squirrly SEO. Quite the Achievement!

Could you ever dream your way to the heights of various rankings? With Squirrly 2016 you will turn all that into something that's more than just a dream!

Thanks for playing,
Florin Muresan
Co-Creator of Starbox
CEO of Squirrly
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