7 февр. 2017 г.

Reminder: New Terms of Service & Developer Policies


You're receiving this email because you have enabled the YouTube API Services for one or more of your projects on the Google Developer Console.

This is a reminder that your use of the YouTube API Services will be governed by an updated Terms of Service and Developer Policies (including the Required Minimum Functionality) starting on February 10th, 2017.

We first notified you of this change in August 2016, and we hope you've reviewed the updated terms and policies since then. If you have not reviewed them, we encourage you to review the relevant documents on our developer site before February 10th, 2017. If you do not agree to these changes, please do not access or use the YouTube API Services and delete all YouTube data in your possession.

Thank you for being a member of YouTube's developer community!

YouTube Developer Relations

© 2016 YouTube LLC. 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA, 94066 

You've received this mandatory service announcement email to update you about important changes to YouTube API Services.

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