15 июн. 2017 г.

How Your Writing Life Will Change With the Inspiration Box from Squirrly SEO


How Your Writing Life Will Change With the Inspiration Box from Squirrly SEO.

Like good wine, good writing often takes time.

Ideas need time to settle down, morph into their ideal form and ultimately reach their full potential.

Between looking for writing inspiration, researching for the best resources, the best images, the best quotes and so on, the entire process can take hours and even days.

But let's get real now: ain't nobody got time for that, right?

What if I told you right here and now that you can add images with SEO alt tags in under 12 seconds? And finish ALL your research in under 30 minutes?

See How Your Writing Life Will Change.

"Imagination is the Essence of Discovery" - Winston.

Imagine that your ability to discover new plugins made by any developers (not just Squirrly, I'm talking thousands of developers) disappeared today. Would you stay idle?

Let's face it. It's important to be able to find new marketing plugins for your WordPress Sites. 

Popular Tags on WordPress are used by 3 out of 4 People to discover new plugins. However, they are currently being taken out from the WordPress Plugins directory. This is because nobody answered the questions of the WordPress.org core developers. They didn't know this is important to people.

It's your best chance of getting the Popular Tags back on the directory.

WordPress developers need to hear your opinion about the popular tags. If you say they are important, they will bring them back, because they care about the community!

Also, the plugins on the Popular Tags are the most updated and with the best reviews. They are new. They are ready to be found.

Do you still want to stay idle?

The developers of WordPress.org want to hear your voice on this subject.

Voice Your Opinion. It's your Chance to keep finding great plugins on the directory of WordPress.org.


One Thing you can do to help people with Vision Impairment through your content:

Add Image Alt Tags to all your Images on WordPress. See how to add an alt tag in under 12 seconds.

You know that we stream a new Episode every Thursday at 4 PM (London Time, United Kingdom). We've had a listener with vision impairment thanking me for creating this video because it was his hope that more bloggers would start using this technique. Remember: SEO is NOT all about satisfying Google bots. It's about helping people understand your content better.

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel Here to get more amazing SEO tricks.

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