9 июн. 2017 г.

What Happened to the Wordpress Directory ? Let's bring the Popular Tags back


What happened to the Plugins Directory on WordPress?

The new version of the plugins directory on WordPress.org was released (version 3.0). We waited until now to gather concrete data about how people who are non-developers discover new plugins.

From what we've seen 3 out of 4 people used the Popular Tags (see image) to find new plugins they can install on their sites.

Not everyone knows what types of plugins they could search for. That's why the search function alone does not satisfy the needs of all users.

In this new version there is only the possibility to search in order to find plugins. Something that 1 in 4 people use. (according to what we've personally seen and tested. We're not sure if these stats hold true for the whole directory).

The rest of them lost the ability to discover new and wonderful free plugins.

If you care about this and if you want more and better ways to discover new and updated plugins on WordPress, please read the next section of this email:

WordPress users all over the world need your help:

This is an issue that affects people world-wide. WP users from all over the world relied on the Tags (the Popular Tags) cloud inside the wordpress directory to find new plugins.

Now is your chance to help them. Next actions you should take:

1. Make sure you have an account on WordPress.org. 
2. Please only do the next steps if your account on WP.org is at least 3 months old.
3. Tell the coders developing WordPress.org plugin directory that you want the Popular Tags cloud back on the plugin directory. Here on this thread (you must be logged in to see the comment input)
4. The developers are great. They need the opinions of users like you to find out how to best serve you from a development perspective. (and from a UX perspective).

Please consider doing this. Otherwise, in the near future, you will not be able to easily find new and amazing plugins. With a static discovery system, you can only see the same old plugins in Featured and Popular.

There are many new plugins which work great that you could find to help your marketing efforts. If they bring the tags back, you'll be able to find them.

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