Make Sure You Follow us on Twitter. We have great daily events If you're using Twitter (and since you're marketing, you should) go ahead and follow our @SquirrlyHQ profile. We've just released the concept of Thursday Streamsday and at the beginning of each Thursday we announce what's supposed to happen on that day on our twitter. Yesterday, we've had a new Episode of Home SEO .tv, a new Instagram Story and Live Streaming. On twitter, you'll get to see the exact moment when we launch a new instagram story. A story is a 24 hours only video where we show you what we're up to (and sometimes post great updates, prizes, coupons). Next week, we'll have a brand new Thursday Streamsday. And you already know that every Monday and Tuesday we tweet out new lessons, written for Twitter (you can read them directly from your Twitter feed) Follow SquirrlyHQ on Twitter. Join the Fun. |
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