8 сент. 2017 г.

How to Get SEO Advice in Real Time While You Are Typing a New Page in WordPress (has some Steve Spoilers)

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How to Get SEO Advice in Real Time While You Are Typing a New Page in WordPress.

Special Announcement: what you see in this email contains video footage from the new Squirrly SEO 2018: Steve. (there are just a couple of sneak peaks from an Alpha, but they rock!)

I'll show you a painless and non-awkward way of getting SEO Advice while you're typing your brand new piece of content.

SEO Advice in real time is hard to get.

What do you do? Call an SEO Consultant on the phone to help you as you're writing your new article?


Okay, then, do you skype and screenshare at the same time to show an SEO Expert what you're currently typing, so she can let you know what changes you need to make?

Didn't think so.

You have Squirrly to help you with all of that and take the awkwardness of such moments away.

It will be just you and your Live Assistant in WordPress working together.

As it should have always been.

In this video, I will show you how your life with optimizing WordPress pages for excellent SEO will get better.

The SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly has a brand new feature which allows you to always have the SEO Advice when you need it. It will always be right there for you. Getting SEO Advice in real time has never been easier.

We call it the Split Screen Feature for our SEO Live Assistant.


As for the Squirrly SEO 2018: Steve version:

We're playing with the Alpha internally with our 12 marketers and developers.

Soon, I'll be able to tell you much more about it.

Some of the changes are planned here on SEO Plugin .xyz (open the Roadmap).
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