27 сент. 2017 г.

Lesson 2: Why Is Expectation Marketing Important For Your Business

Lesson 2: Why Is Expectation Marketing Important For Your Business

I'm so happy that you got to read the first lesson. The feedback was amazing.

Last time you got the presentation of what Expectation Marketing is and how it can be defined. 

Now let's see the big wins that companies and personal brands gain by implementing this strategy. Alexandra shows studies from people we've worked with.

We're also showcasing some examples of best practices with explanations and screenshots.

Read Here: Why Is Expectation Marketing Important For Your Business

In the 3rd lesson, we'll show you how you can audit your web presence to see which elements you still need to implement. With the right elements, you'll easily built trust.

Best regards,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly

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