Wired calls Spanner "the database that mastered time," because it delivers strong consistency across the globe with a 99.999% availability SLA. And it's why Evernote is replacing over 750 MySQL instances with a single Spanner instance.
The measure of performance was once bandwidth – now it's often network latency. Whether you rely on it for microservices, HPC, ad tech, or gaming, the software defined network that underpins GCP is now much faster.
Vinton G. Cerf, hailed as one of the creators of the internet, joins our intrepid hosts to celebrate their 100th podcast. Listen in as they discuss the internet's past, present, and future. Spoiler: he's awesome.
The latest GCP region is up, running, and ready for rupees. Users in Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Mumbai can see a 20%–90% improvement in latency compared to the next-closest region.
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