10 янв. 2018 г.

Powering Up 🎆 Exciting New Year 💌 


One Amazing Year. And Another One Will Follow.

2017 was the squirrliest year yet for our company. In our 5th year we've created the most impressive launches and updates. We're not stopping here.

Your support and trust were invaluable.

Thanks to all your help and feedback we're now powering up to get everything ready for the new Launch Dates we'll have.

I'm saying that "another one will follow". However, it might be that this new year will lead, and not just follow.

Considering all the plans we have for Squirrly SEO, Starbox, ContentLook, the Content Writing Agency and the new launches, things might just get way better for you.

During 2017:

Squirrly SEO went from the 2016 version to:
- 2017
- 2018
- 2018: Steve
- and now: 2018: Briefcase. (which comes with Briefcase and Advanced Analytics)

There was a silent launch for Squirrly SEO 2018: Briefcase to make sure everything works really well. Soon, we'll bring you a lot of info on why we created the update and how to get the most out of it.

Briefcase can become the Core of your SEO Strategy and soon you'll see why.

Also, you can now optimize for multiple keywords. More on this later.

The Education cloud and HSEO.tv were opened for the public in 2017 as well.

For 2018, there will be a new massive version of Squirrly SEO, called Squirrly SEO 2019, and as always PRO users will receive it without having to pay any extras.

We'll also release re-written versions of Starbox and ContentLook (they are a lot of work, but I think you'll love them)

We began working on what we're currently calling (internally): the BackLinks Assistant.

Our Settings Assistant helps you get your SEO Settings right inside your WP install, our Live Assistant helps you optimize your content to 100%. This new assistant will help you earn more backlinks, by following white hat methods.

The product is still super early and it's not the only one you'll be able to try out this year.

Get VIP Access and see the BackLinks Assistant many months before anyone else

Keep ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly

YouTube - New video and Live Chat Every thursday 4 PM, London Time
Twitter - New Lessons you can read on twitter, every Mon. and Tue.
Instagram - Get Inspired, See when new Episodes Air and #Selfies
Google Plus - Here, we serve you: our community.
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