26 янв. 2018 г.

What does Google’s $30 billion investment look like? Plus Urs Hölzle and Sam Ramji talk the future of GCP

Google Cloud Newsletter, January 2018. Cloud trends, resources, and platform news.
You can also view this email in your browser.
Urs Hölzle on the history, security, and future of Cloud
Urs Hölzle on the history, security, and future of cloud
Sam Ramji: making GCP the most developer-friendly cloud
Sam Ramji: making GCP the most developer-friendly cloud
From weekend warriors to Disney marketers, AutoML Vision lets anyone use a drag-and-drop interface to upload images and train, manage, and deploy custom models directly on GCP.
Attach NVIDIA K80 and P100 GPUs to preemptible VMs for $0.22 and $0.73 per GPU hour, respectively. Use GPUs at predictable, affordable prices for large-scale ML and other computational batch workloads.
Greater support for stateful and stateless apps. Storage interoperability. Hardware accelerator support for ML workloads. Run your production-ready apps on GKE 1.9, and let us manage the infrastructure.
OpenCensus, the vendor-neutral, open-source version of Google's Census library, automatically collects traces and metrics from your app, displays them locally, and sends them to analysis tools like Stackdriver and Cloud Bigtable.
Google Open Source wants to talk with you
New blog and social media accounts let you talk shop with Google open-source evangelists.
Lift and shift a line-of-business application onto GCP
This first in a series tackles migrating an on-prem web app to GCP. Then read how and why Apigee Sense made the move.
Stronger than strong: Cloud Spanner's strong consistency defined
Fewer bugs, fewer headaches, easier-to-maintain code. Learn how strong consistency fundamentally changes app performance.
Protecting Google Cloud customers without impacting performance
Learn how Google reacts to the latest security threats and stay up to date with Compute Engine security bulletins.
Live webinars held weekly by Google Cloud experts. Visit Cloud OnAir to see all upcoming sessions.
Introduction to Google Cloud Spanner
February 6, 2018, 9 AM PT
How to Select the Right Storage Class for Your Workload
February 6, 2018, 9:45 AM PT
Using BigQuery to reveal how weather impacts search behavior
February 13, 2018, 10:30 AM PT
Hardware Root of Trust with Google Cloud IoT Core and Microchip
February 6, 2018, 11 AM PT
rstudio::conf 2018
February 2–3, 2018
Cloud OnBoard Santa Clara
February 13, 2018
An absolutely EPIC blog by Will Fuks (@dafiti_brasil) on how they built a recommender system on @googlecloud. Number of servers used? Zero.
Being able to connect to internal Google resources directly from a public WiFi is one of those things that I wasn't sure I could talk about. When people talked about VPNs and firewalls, I would simply nod my head...

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