6 февр. 2018 г.

Bought a New WordPress Theme, changed the site and now you can watch The Official Video for Squirrly SEO 2018: Briefcase

I'm serious about launch videos:

Last Thursday we made it to #1 in WordPress on Product Hunt.

The Official Launch Video for Squirrly SEO 2018: Briefcase was also released on that date and I included it in my email to you.

Many (ummm... most) of you told me the getgrowth tv website didn't work properly and you couldn't enjoy the video.

I spent most of my Saturday fixing that site. Complete do-over. Placed DIVI on it, placed new content on it, super tested it.

You can be confident that when you go to it right now, you'll be able to watch the Official Video for Briefcase.

The video walks you through everything you need to know about this release.

It still needed some tweaks, which I've made today and it's ready for you.

Watch Official Video
Squirrly Briefcase is essential to managing your SEO Strategy🚀.

If you collaborate with other people from your team, outsourced writers or SEO contractors, everything will fall apart in very short time if you don't hold the line. What line? - the line of: "these are the keywords we'll focus on"

If you want to create an unbeatable SEO Strategy you should start with Briefcase: 👇 👇 👇

Unbeatable SEO Strategy Info

🚀 If you're launching an online shop selling Black Panther Action Figures, you'll want to make sure you let search bots and people know that all of the site is indeed related to Marvel's character, that you do have content related to the comics and 2018 movie.

🚀 With Briefcase you'll find the best opportunities for keywords you're using in the Awareness Stage, Decision Stage and other stages you may plan for your Customer's Journey.

🚀 You'll be able to categorize all your keywords to stuff like: "best opportunities", "purely contextual to build authority in this field", "strong purchase intent".

🚀 Once you're done finding, labeling and storing your best opportunities for your Strategy, you'll have very easy ways of providing all your collaborators with all these details.
Watch the Video. Keep Ranking
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