2 мар. 2018 г.

Upgrading SEO with More Speed for Your Images ☀ - Meet Alex


Size Matters. You'll need to optimize the size of your images if you want to boost SEO rankings.

You can make it happen. Right here. Right now. Alex Florescu from ShortPixel (one of the co-founders) is really great and does an amazing job with his platform.

What Alex built can help you boost website performance and increase your rankings. I've talked to him on your behalf and he agreed to give you a powered-up version of their Free accounts.

Gives you the latest version of ShortPixel. With far better limits than what you'd get on their site or by getting the plugin on your own.

Alex and ShortPixel are giving Squirrly users a Super Free Account

It's all in the Audit.

I know for a fact that those of you who read the SEO Audits from Squirrly and checked out the SEO Speed section, love the tool already.

In case you're wondering, about 25% of ALL people who clicked on the ShortPixel link in the audit created an account. That's huge. But it makes total sense, because this powered up version of ShortPixel really makes a difference.

Here's the Audit Section where you can find it:

When I first talked to Alex back in 2017 (in Spring), I was like: "what you say you're doing sounds really cool, but does this stuff really work?"

He said I'll be quite impressed. I gave it a try, because I knew most of the squirrly.co/blog images we used were pretty large and we didn't have time to waste on making 'em smaller. So we definitely needed something to do this on our behalf.

I mean: who has time to really download an image, make it smaller and then re-upload again. Sure, for ONE image, it's doable. But for thousands of images??? Really? Come on..

Okay, I tried it. We reduced the size of the images by 84%. With a single click. I was wowed. Then I took a moment to breathe. I looked at the images themselves and that's when I became mesmerized: the images almost kinda looked the same. "What sorcery is this?" I demanded.

"It's not sorcery, mate. Just basic algorithms." replied Alex.

I don't believe him to this very day. It must've been some weird magic. The images were almost identical. And just 16% of their initial size.

You should rest assured: I did test it on the rest of our sites, and while it wasn't always 84% (because on other sites we used better images), it always certainly reduced the size by at least 60% and kept an amazing graphics quality level.

So here you have it. Alex's invention (and his team's of course). Since you're a Squirrly user, you're getting it with much better limits so you can use it on your WordPress projects.

Enjoy. Start here.

Keep Ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly

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