8 июн. 2018 г.

Getting Started Towards Better Rankings

SEO is Hard Work:

SEO is hard work. We all know that. Also, what I've seen is that there's so much ground to cover and people are doing SEO on so many levels. It's exhausting, isn't it?

Well... I was hoping to make it a bit better. A little bit LESS exhausting.

A couple of easy steps to follow to make sure you'll be on the right track with the way in which you're developing your SEO Strategy.

This was no easy task. After years and years of talking to you and others from the Squirrly community, I can finally create these steps.

See the first two Steps in Getting Started with SEO.

I know, I know: you've already gotten started with SEO at one point. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

But, please, indulge me.

It's all based on things that came up over and over again, and I think there's finally a chance to create steps that all of us should follow. Especially for new sites that we create.

Step 2 for example is really important, and I've seen that many people fail to do exactly the things I've outlined in step 2.

What do you say?

Will you give these two steps a good read?

You can reply with ideas (your own ideas), Yay, or nay, or meh. Me and Ana (our Chief of Customer Service) always read the replies to the emails. (yes, both of us, not just her, not just me; it's a team effort in trying to do better for you)

Read the 2 Steps: Click Here.

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