8 февр. 2019 г.

Exclusive Access into the Squirrly Vault

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Opening the Squirrly Vault:

The Squirrly Vault is where we store our biggest milestones, where we document all the changes we've done to the plugin, all our trials and errors, our big wins - and all those moments in between.

It's a place to see where we started and how far we've come.

Today, we're opening the Vault for you. Why?

Well, it's already been 6 amazing years since we first officially launched Squirrly SEO - and a lot has changed (not just our mascot). Crazy how time flies by, right?

We know some of our users today have been with us since day 1. That's pretty incredible! I still cannot fathom it, but I am truly grateful for it. Some are renewing their subscriptions this month for their 6th consecutive year.

To celebrate this and the fact that we're getting close to launching our biggest update yet, we thought that it would be interesting to go back in time and create a timeline for the plugin itself.

So, here they are; some of our favorite moments from these years of helping NON-SEO experts get on the first page of Google!

A lot more have happened to the company itself, many awards, testimonials, press appearances, other lines of products, but in the lines that follow we'll only write a bit about the moments of your favorite SEO plugin:

  • 2012. Squirrly SEO received an Angel Investment from two amazing investors in Germany, started the company in London, United Kingdom and the product launched in beta just a few days before Christmas. In terms of features, the virtual live assistant, the keyword research and the Blogging Assistant (inspiration box) were at the core of the plugin. Even before the plugin was launched, users testing the assistant became so obsessed with this feature that they paid for Squirrly one year in advance. That was a huge moment for us. (yup, paying customers for the Alpha version)
  • 2013. We launched the official version on the WordPress directory in February. At the beginning of spring, we've added the snippet section. Also, we introduced the Performance Analytics, using a Piwik based installation. And by the time fall rolled in, the Squirrly site Audit was released and all of our users were able to see how their site performs in terms of blogging, SEO, traffic, links, authority and social.
  • 2014. We've re-designed the Performance Analytics system, after trying integrations with $60,000 worth of server machinery made available to us by Microsoft.
  • 2015. We integrated the JSON-LD structured data into the SEO settings section, we've launched the SEO Settings Assistant and the SEO star feature was born. We added more options for multisites. We included the option to restore and backup the Squirrly settings. (both snippets and Live Assistant)
  • 2016. It was snowy out when we made the plugin compatible with more themes, with WooCommerce and Instapage. Users were able to set the external canonical URL for any post. We also fixed compatibility issues with different plugins and themes. We added rich pins for WooCommerce products. As summer took over, we added Facebook Pixel integration. Added AMP Analytics from Google. Added more copyright free images from Pixabay.com, Unsplash.com, Pexels.com, which made out Blogging Assistant even more top-notch than before.
  • First part of 2017. Squirrly SEO 2017, followed by Squirrly SEO 2018 versions. Massive releases. We released a big update which included major improvements to the keyword research feature, the live assistant, my.squirrly.co, performance analytics, site audit, plugin speed. Biggest things were improvements to the snippets and using the snippet from the Front-end. The Plugin reached well over 130 features.
  • Second part of 2017. It's when we released Squirrly SEO 2018: Steve. New features: no-index, edit the robots.txt file, import SEO settings, 124 countries for the keyword research, export the keywords list, fully compatible with Divi and Visual Composer, backup and restore Squirrly settings and SEO from Squirrly and also settings from any other plugin out there. Added patterns and SEO Automation for the first time. Over 200 features were now available in the software package. Over 200 features which were now easier to use than ever before and made this a complete SEO PowerHouse. SERP Checker, Keyword Research and Analysis, Blogging Assistant, Weekly Audits, Performance Analytics, Snippets, Settings, Automation and SEO Content Analysis in Real-Time.
  • 2018. Squirrly SEO 2018: Steve - Business Edition. Then, Squirrly SEO 2018: Briefcase. Then many updates outlined here in this video.
  • 2019. With Squirrly SEO 2019 coming soon, we're super excited, because it already completely exceeds every single expectation we've had for it. More news about it soon. It's becoming much better than we had anticipated. It's a complete redesign. Ground. Breaking.

Hope you enjoyed taking this short walk down on memory lane with me today.  

We'll keep sending you highlights from the Squirrly Vault every once in a while so that you can see behind the scenes and discover surprising facts from Squirrly's history.  

Keep Ranking,

YouTube - New video and Live Chat Every thursday 4 PM, London Time
Twitter - New Lessons you can read on twitter, every Mon. and Tue.
Instagram - Get Inspired, See when new Episodes Air and #Selfies
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