14 февр. 2019 г.

Squirrly SEO 2019 and How We Use it to Avoid Thin Content SEO Penalties

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Thin Content SEO - How We Use Squirrly SEO 2019's Bulk SEO Settings to Avoid Problems:

2019. With Squirrly SEO 2019 coming soon, we're super excited, because it already completely exceeds every single expectation we've had for it. More news about it soon. It's becoming much better than we had anticipated. It's a complete redesign. Ground. Breaking.

While testing the new Squirrly SEO 2019, we came up with a lot of improvements. Remember: we've been gathering tons of feedback since 2016 and from way back 'til now we've been thinking about tackling ALL SEO problems head-on.

This has lead to surprising things like: the Squirrly company can finally publish as much thin content as it wants without receiving any penalties. (you'll learn that thin content is very important for our audience)

See our strategy and how we can finally handle it.

Why bother with Thin Content SEO?

A few reasons come to mind:

  • you will suffer Google ranking penalties
  • thin content is useless for people searching for topics on search engines
  • if you want searchable and branded content like "Squirrly SEO 2019 Launch Date", then you as a company must make sure it's not thin content. Don't be lazy
  • Thin Content Is Awesome! (your most avid readers will love it. Why do you think micro-blogging is still a thing?)
  • thin content is useful (in our experience: our partners are super-excited to see all our Powering Up posts as a company)
  • it's also good for your feeds: your blog feeds AND your social media feeds. (hey you can grab people to such content and then re-target them with quora pixel, facebook pixel, etc.)

Read this Lesson on SEO Content Strategy.

You'll see how we handle thin content. You'll see why we need to keep creating it. You'll see what you can do about it and how you can craft your own strategy.

Here's a Valentine's Day post we had to publish and see that we've marked it as thin content.

Squirrly SEO 2019 makes a lot of brand new things possible. Screenshots are included in the post.

Keep Ranking,

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