16 февр. 2019 г.

🔮🎆 the Ultimate tool for working, testing and knowing what’s going on with your WordPress

Ultimate tool for your WordPress

There are so many screenshots I'll share with you today in this email! Enable images right now, to make sure you see them.

It's a long email, filled with amazing images to show you everything you need to know to make WordPress work amazingly well for you.

If you care about delivering great experiences and knowing at any time of day what's going on in your WordPress site, then you need the new Squirrly SEO 2019.

I'll show you today how you can make sure your SEO is always done right and that your content makes sense for Social Media feeds and search engines.

Since 2016 we've worked with many small companies and developers to see where they have problems when it came to WordPress SEO. However, we've started looking at many things that were completely unrelated to Squirrly SEO. These weren't jobs or things that Squirrly was supposed to do. This was not about finding bugs. It was about seeing how we can help these people achieve awesome results with their WordPress sites.

There are so many places where people make mistakes when it comes to publishing and managing pages, products and posts on their sites.

I'm confident that with the 2019 version, we're solving all the problems we've started seeing since 2016.

Some people de-index their clients' sites by making bad settings, and then forgetting about them. It happened with many web dev and SEO agencies. Those people are awesome. But they are human, and mistakes happen.

Squirrly SEO 2019 now protects you against such problems and keeps you in the loop with everything you need.

Some other people didn't manage to rank their sites, because they didn't have the Squirrly SEO settings activated inside their WP sites. They tested stuff and then forgot to re-activate, or simply didn't activate from the beginning. Or some other person from their team broke the settings. These are some of the most common scenarios for why WP sites don't rank.

Let's dive in now. I will look at a WordPress site and then show you how everything can be verified and edited in the new Squirrly.


Let's Look:

There are so many screenshots :-D never seen before.

This Access is Only For You. See the other screens
^^ you should click to see the rest. A shared Google Drive folder.
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