31 мар. 2019 г.

Feedback was amazing and we're making a few changes based on the feedback.


Wow, we are blessed to have people like you in our community.

Thank you so much for your ideas and your feedback.

We've had a lot more answers than we had expected originally.

It seems like Spying on competitors is really something that we need to solve. Didn't think there would be so much interest and so many different ideas.

It took a while to process everything, because we came up with many solutions for the things you wrote to us and this changes our initial plans. However, the change is for the better, so once again: You rock.

Have a great Sunday,
Florin Muresan
CEO, Squirrly

PS: I didn't have time to reply individually to ALL of the messages. However, I did personally work with the teams to process everything for new features in the new product and re-iterate the way we were building some of the components.

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