24 апр. 2019 г.

📈 12X More Organic Backlinks (super secret ninja hack)

12X More Organic Backlinks (super secret ninja hack)


Acquiring backlinks is a thorny issue for most website owners. Backlinks are a crucial factor that impacts a page's rankings, which is why everyone wants them. But getting backlinks is not as easy as wanting them.

There's a hack you can use to make this job easier.

Tactic: Leveraging existing backlinks to get 12X organic backlinks

You probably know that you're more likely to be able to sell something to an existing customer compared to selling it to a new prospect. 12 times more likely, actually.

Have you ever thought about the fact that the same principle can apply to link-building? Meaning that someone who has already linked to your site is 12X more likely to do it again.

Your action steps:

  • Go to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=en (your website should be added here)
  • Pick your website from the list
  • Click "Search Traffic" - "Links To Your Site" to see the list of domains who already list to your site
  • Thank them in an email and let them know about the awesome piece of content you've just posted on your site.

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