28 мая 2019 г.

End Game: A Complete SEO Plan You Can Replicate For Years to Come

It's great that you took the time to go through all the valuable emails I've sent you about competitive analysis.

Spying on your competitors can be great! And I hope you've learned a great deal about it.

This is now the End Game for the theory I've given you in the first 3 emails, for the amazing video in email 4 that teaches you how to create your Spy reports and for the Sample Pack I've given you yesterday.

All that knowledge helps you create a plan for yourself, or for your clients.

The plan needs to be based on what your competitors or other entities from your market (you'll learn about this from today's plan!) are currently doing for search engine optimization.

Without further ado: here is the plan.

Go through all of it. It's a Powerpoint presentation that has all the important elements.

You can get new clients with this.

Or you can use the exact plan as the virtual (not so virtual) Tellyourbiz has used. And replicate it over and over again to increase your search engine visibility.

It basically gives very clear outlines of how you should start planning your SEO.

Companies get charged a lot of money to receive that. You're getting it for free, just for being awesome, being on our lists and keeping it Squirrly.

Keep Ranking,
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