13 июн. 2019 г.

Lesson 4: How to Remove Any Massive Blocks That Are Keeping You From Ranking

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Lesson 4:


Goal for today: Scan for errors & make sure all visibility settings are Green for the Focus Page. Start tracking your rankings on Google.

Technical SEO, if you're not a technical person is scary. However, by following today's recipe I've helped even developers offer better service to their customers.

You will see some important changes you need to make to your WordPress, to ensure that there are no massive blocks which stand in your way to better rankings.

It's very easy to work with this recipe.
Read Lesson 4 (Recipe for Day 4)
Today's recipe will help you remove roadblocks.

It will also get you much closer to achieving an amazing workflow for SEO which you'll be able to apply for years to come.

The most important thing to get from these lessons is a clear way of working with optimizations, in an orderly fashion. You'll know what to look for and what to follow.
Keep Ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly
florin muresan how to tutorial
Instructor: Florin Muresan, the CEO of Squirrly.
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