16 авг. 2019 г.

Lesson 2: Optimizing Your Content for Humans, Not For Search Engines


Focus on the Human Readers.

Because in the end, you want Human readers on your site, not just search engine bots.

In the first lesson, I walked you through the Six Aspects That Make or Break your WordPress site.

Today, I'm going to show you how you can gather social intelligence in order to optimize your articles for Humans, make them more likable and shareable across different social media channels.

Read the Second Lesson.

About today's lesson:

We will need Squirrly for today's lessons, even though I will show you how we can optimize for humans with or without using Squirrly.

Now that we established the essentials for today's course, proceed with reading the Second Lesson:

Read Lesson 2

The Next Lessons will go more in-depth regarding what we've been discussing in these first two lessons.

Give it a good read.

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