13 авг. 2019 г.

The Handy Guide to a Competitive WordPress Site : Example Included, Lesson 1


The 6 Aspects That Make or Break WordPress Sites.

Learn how you can analyze your site and see why it's not attracting enough readers.

In the last training program from Squirrly (the Coaching program with 14 lessons and actionable files), you learned the basics of Content Marketing and how to start attracting people to your site. Now you will learn how to make your WordPress site truly competitive.

Read the First Lesson.

The Audit Gets Explained.

This is a video where you can see the Audit explained. You can also see how it looks for a blog that doesn't do any link building.

There's always the feeling that your site is not doing as well as it should, and it's amazingly hard to come up with an answer for why it just doesn't get enough traffic.

I've got good news for you: There is a way to analyze all of this and come up with a smart solution.

Read the First Lesson and look closely at the example, to make sure you understand how you can come up with valid assumptions that will help you improve your WordPress site, for better traffic.

See the example (made for a test site, called igamify):

You will also receive this kind of reports by email. Some of you already have. They contain tons of good content from Google, Moz and others on how to fix your site, and we've included some PRO Tips of our own.

Don't let website improvement be just guess work and magic. Track all the aspects of your digital marketing strategy and improve based on in-depth reports. 

You will receive these reports once every week.

The Next Lessons will go more into detail about the competitive WordPress sites and also provide you with great insight on how to optimize your articles for humans, to make your content more likeable and bring you social love from your readers.

Keep ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly UK (United Kingdom)

Give it a good read.

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