7 сент. 2019 г.

How Switching to Full Focus Mode Makes WordPress Sites With Zero Search Traffic Grow Fast

How Switching to Full Focus Mode Will Help You Finally Gain Search Traffic 


There's a series of written episodes I'll want to share with you soon. It's from a team that found out the hard way just how bad it is to work on SEO changes that don't really manage to change your rankings. Also, they learned the hard way how bad it is to be arrogant and not follow advice. How bad it is to keep trying something that clearly doesn't work.

They struggled to get search engine traffic. For well over 6 months, I think. They kept pushing content and making changes to the site, but nothing ever worked. Why?

- because every single day they were doing tens of tweaks all over the place. A snippet here, a keyword research there, an item from the Audit, another snippet, a JSON-LD schema implementation with customization for review page (yes, you can do that in Squirrly SEO).

So they were indeed working. However, their efforts were all over the place. It would take titanic work and a big marketing team to pull that off. They had a small team and had other things to do day-to-day besides SEO.

What's the GOOD news?

This: (look at the image). They switched to Full Focus mode and started working only on things that move the needle. See below what happend after their switch.

After we released Squirrly SEO 2019, they took a look at the Focus Pages section.

They decided to try it out, because it was clear to them that SEO wise, they had no idea what they were doing.

Anyway, in the episodes I'll start emailing soon, you'll see the exact steps and details. Even their frustration with figuring things out. Since it's written by them and published on ChiefContent, we had no say in what they wrote. You'll get to see all the struggle, all the dislikes, everything.

And we've learned a lot by reading about their experience. We'll make the product better to avoid some of the frustrations they mentioned in the episodes.

In August they've been a lot more successful, because once they understood HOW to focus on the right SEO elements that make a difference in search engine rankings, they doubled the number of page 1 rankings.

Here's what they had by 8th August 2019.

Well... what do you say? Ready to start focusing only on SEO work that really makes you rank higher?

Yes, good.

No, maybe the next episodes will help you change your mind.

These marketers were very stubborn themselves and were non-believers. You'll see how that changed for them day by day as they kept fighting off each red element and turning it to green.

Keep Ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO, Squirrly
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