30 окт. 2019 г.

Ghost Stories: Yoast, Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel and Matt Cutts

You can get the One Year Fee for Squirrly 2019 Edition, only until the 1st of Nov. A few more days. See details of what's in it for you.
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Ghosts. Ninjas. And a Software to rank you better while you sleep :-)


It's nearly Halloween! You'll either trick or get a treat. The Treat is the Leprechaun Squirrel.

If you can find it by taking this Journey through SEO Land, you'll get a PRO version for free (we've just re-supplied the free coupons, 'coz they went out yesterday. Didn't expect so many to play) and also a Massive Discount.

But there is a Trick.. you need to walk the paths of SEO land with the likes of Matt Cutts, Rand Fishkin and others, to reach the Leprechaun Squirrel.

Get Your Software. Rescue it from the Halloween Dungeon.

This offer is available only this Week, because it's your Halloween special.

You can win a PRO Plugin from Squirrly Limited and Also a Huge Discounted Offer if you find the Leprechaun

allow this image to be displayed :-)

Play the Halloween Game

Work yer way to the treasures of Google Rankings. Be brave. Seize the opportunity.

100% Browser-based gameplay. Tons of SEO fun.

Best regards,
Florin Muresan
Halloween Dungeon Master of Squirrly

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