11 февр. 2020 г.

Google Search Console Starring in: What's a great 💕 match before Valentine's Day? 💝

Loving your TOP 10 rankings?

How can you double the number of keywords that you rank on the first page of Google for?

Answer: This Step by Step guide that shows you how to get your perfect match between Google Search Console and Squirrly SEO.

If your site has been visited at least a little bit and it has over 6 months, you'll be able to apply the method in the step by step guide I link to above.

Maybe for this year's Valentine's Day you'll look forward to a different kind of "perfect match".

It's a guest post by one of the team mates from Servicii app and they've matched the keywords from within Google Search Console with the SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly SEO. The results came very fast and they went from 18 keywords they were ranking for on the first page of Google search, to 36 keywords on the first page of the search engine... overnight.

Not even kidding. Just read it. It's definitely a method we'll keep teaching from now on, because it's really easy to do.

It has many screenshots and you'll easily follow it.

Keep growing,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly

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