30 июн. 2020 г.

Meeting more sellers on Alibaba.com

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Meeting more successful sellers on Alibaba.com -
Italian coffee specialists expand into export with help from Alibaba.com
"Before Alibaba.com we never exported. We are only a small family run coffee company but Alibaba.com has helped us to understand how to export and enabled us to realize our export dream.
Within 1 year we achieved very good results thanks to Alibaba.com. We have talked to many buyers from France, Germany, UK, US, and Greece and have taken orders from them. We are inexperienced in e-commerce but the Alibaba service team were a great help. We attended many online webinars to learn how use the platform and increase the business.
Check more to meet more sellers on Alibaba.com! See how they have achieved success and the next one could be you!
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