29 июн. 2020 г.

You've been accepted to join Keynote, Developer Update and Tutorial.

You've been accepted to join Keynote, Developer Update and Complete Tutorial.

There are only 2 more days (well, a bit less than 48 hours actually) until the Official Launch Event for Squirrly SEO 2020, and you are invited.

Keep this invitation close to you, maybe saved in your inbox, because the link above is the one we'll have for the event. Saving it is the best way to ensure you will remember how to join us.

- Prize Drops for books, premium software, premium courses, games and a lot more will happen in the Live Chat Section (only during the event).

Join us on the 30th of June 2020, starting 4 PM, London Time, United Kingdom.

It's a 2 hours event, so you can drop in any time you want.

Event will have:
- Keynote
- Developer Updates (where we present 55 massive changes to Squirrly SEO
- Tutorial and Demo.
- Prize Drops

Keep your eyes open and on the Live Chat section because that is how you will get links to different prizes that we will drop. For some of them you will need to act fast and claim them before everyone else.

Also, if you can't join us even for 10 minutes at least during those 2 hours, then we will invite you to the Product Hunt Page we will have on the 30th where you can win smaller prizes than we give on the Live Chat of the event.

It took us 10 years to get to this point and finally deliver the software we've always dreamed of and were passionate about delivering.

The gifts are our appreciation and our love for the Squirrly Community, which you will hear a lot about during the event.

Link to the event is here. Join at the proper time. Hit refresh when you join the link, in case you feel something is off. 30th June, 4 PM, London Time.

Get Access Now.

Squirrly Limited - United Kingdom.

We deliver insanely great marketing software to 6,455 B2B customers in over 90 countries.
Copyright © 2020 Squirrly, All rights reserved.
Hey, you are a user of Squirrly, the only tool that helps you optimize content and measure its success. For both humans and search engines.

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20-22 Wenlock Road
London, England N1 7GU
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