13 окт. 2020 г.

Introducing: ✨ The SEO Kit from Squirrly

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Introducing: The SEO KIT

Doing SEO can feel like running up a mountain. Barefoot. Without a map. 

I heard someone say that some time ago and thought: Wow, what a powerful representation of what a lot of people feel like on their SEO journey. 

To make sure YOU never feel that way, we're working every day to bring you new resources that will guide you on your journey.

So that you never walk alone. 

Squirrly SEO 2020 already includes more guidance and support than any other WordPress plugin on the market. Using the SEO Goals section alone is like getting personalized advice from your very own private SEO consultant. 

But we're always coming up with new ways to help you be insanely successful with SEO. 

Right now, on the Squirrly website, you can access an awesome SEO kit that will help you get lots of new ideas on how to reach better Google rankings.
Come see the SEO Kit
Think of it as a library where you can learn about new tactics and plugins that you can use to improve your content marketing processes and rank higher on Google. 

Plus, all the resources are neatly divided into categories so that you can get quick access to the topics you're most curious about right now. 
  • Keyword Resources
  • Traffic Resources
  • SEO Resources 
  • Content Resources 
  • Plugin Resources 
Check it out now and make sure to bookmark it so that you can easily go back to it whenever you need it in your SEO journey.

Start exploring.

Keep Ranking, 
Florin Muresan, 
CEO of Squirrly.  
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Software for the Next Queens and Kings of the WWW.

Each software sparks with power that was only beheld by giant corporations a decade ago... and each software puts that kind of power in your hands, so that you may rise to Victory.

SEO Suite
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The Squirrly Software is the heir and successor to the King Makers of old.

Silently dictating who will be the next Queens and Kings of the www, Squirrly awaits new challengers like you to pick it up and seize the power.

Each software sparks with power that was only beheld by giant corporations a decade ago... and each software puts that kind of power in your hands, so that you may rise to Victory.

Strive. Learn. Grow. Give it your all and remember that you are in the company of other queens and kings: Ann Handley, Sarah Arrow, Kim Beasley, Brian Dean, Neil Patel, HubSpot, WPengine, Kinsta, Elegant Themes, Microsoft, BBC.

Every audience and every niche needs a King. Content is NOT king. You are.

Our apprentice and master King Makers work their silent craft in London (United Kingdom), Valencia (the Kingdom of Spain), Cologne (Germany) and Cluj-Napoca (Transylvania).

Proudly registered in the United Kingdom, since 2012. We offer insanely great marketing software to 6,455 Subscription-Paying Customers in over 90 countries.
Copyright © 2020 Squirrly, All rights reserved.
Hey, you are a user of Squirrly, the only tool that helps you optimize content and measure its success. For both humans and search engines.

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