28 нояб. 2020 г.

Learn SEO from this Google Drive folder

Last time, I've shown you a video about identifying important bits of strategy from your competitors.

I was so happy with the feedback you've given me, that I decided to do more for you:
- today: you'll get access to a special Google Drive folder where you can see other samples of Squirrly SPY reports. This is invaluable, because it will help you solidify everything you started learning from the video.
- tomorrow: you'll get the exact PowerPoint presentation I use to win customers for SEO works and Content Marketing Contracts, based on these Spy reports.

Now: here's the video again in case you haven't watched it yet.

The great value you will get by watching this video:

  • find out how SEO experts look at websites
  • what goes into evaluating the current SEO of a website
  • a clear template for a report you can apply time and time again
  • you can do everything on your own and I explain how

Now, practice makes perfect. It will be a lot easier to learn how to create these reports yourself, by seeing more reports that we have created.

Here are the other reports in this Google Drive Folder.

Tomorrow I will give you one of the Ultimate SEO plans I use when getting customers to work with our agency. (I mean: used to, because these days we only offer software products and trainings).

All the presentation is super effective, because potential clients get to see exactly how they can go against their competitors. Makes everything easier to understand.

In your case, it will help you better plan your SEO.

Keep Ranking,

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