27 нояб. 2020 г.

This Darth Friday is Better Than Darth Vader Pizza with BackStreet Boys on Top.

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"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further." - Darth Vader in SW Episode V.
Darth Friday is just around the asteroid field, and the Dark Side of the Force is making us drop thousands of dollars, starting tomorrow at 2 PM, London Time, United Kingdom.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." - Darth Vader
If you manage to regain control and defeat your fear, you will see that all those amazing plans are just:
All the Agency-sized versions of:
  • Starbox
  • ContentLook
  • Squirrly SEO
  • Squirrly Social
  • Squirrly SPY
"You have controlled your fear. Now find the page here >> " Darth Squirrly
It's your Destiny to come and check out this Extra Larger Than Life package for agencies.

We also have cool packs for smaller businesses and smaller needs (like the one called: Small Size. Big Rankings).

But this email wouldn't be the same if we couldn't mention Larger Than Life. If you haven't listened to this song in a while, now's the time to do it.

May the Force be With You,
Florin Muresan
Sith Lord at Squirrly.

PS: If you were wondering what's the connection between Star Wars and the Larger Than Life clip from BackStreet Boys you seriously need to watch this video.

PSS: the large space-ship, looks like something the Empire would cook up.

PSSS: This all started due to seeing the Darth Vader Pizza Email. Marketing lesson inside.
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Education Cloud Package

Software for the Next Sith Lords.

Each software sparks with power that was only beheld by giant corporations a decade ago... and each software puts that kind of power in your hands, so that you may rise to Victory.

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The Squirrly Software is the heir and successor to the King Makers of old.

Silently dictating who will be the next Queens and Kings of the www, Squirrly awaits new challengers like you to pick it up and seize the power.

Each software sparks with power that was only beheld by giant corporations a decade ago... and each software puts that kind of power in your hands, so that you may rise to Victory.

Strive. Learn. Grow. Give it your all and remember that you are in the company of other queens and kings: Ann Handley, Sarah Arrow, Kim Beasley, Brian Dean, Neil Patel, HubSpot, WPengine, Kinsta, Elegant Themes, Microsoft, BBC.

Every audience and every niche needs a King. Content is NOT king. You are.

Our apprentice and master King Makers work their silent craft in London (United Kingdom), Valencia (the Kingdom of Spain), Cologne (Germany) and Cluj-Napoca (Transylvania).

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