3 февр. 2021 г.

How do we know this stuff works

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How can I be so sure that all of this works?

1) We've built a machine that learned from 600,000 websites over a period of 7 years. (how many consultants do you know who have had such rich experience?; none. That's why our AI Consultant is so valuable)

- it learned about each change that the site owners did and how that impacted growth.
- the positive changes have been recorded and given to you in the form of Daily SEO Goals and RED Lights inside the Focus Pages section. That's where you need to go, if you want to start seeing our A.I. in action.

2) All our studies and all the studies from third party internet marketing experts. I showed you all these studies in the previous days. Search your inbox to reach those again so you can re-read them.

Above and Beyond All This:
3) Customer Success.

- look, there's something even more important here, and it's called: Customer Success Stories:
Just look here:

You can use the Free version, just like this user did - he ranked 6 pages to the front page of Google in a few weeks, and he was a complete beginner - read all about it right here; (and we promise in the 14 Days Journey that you find in WordPress - Squirrly - Overview that we give you the PRO for 3 months if you use the free version and tell us about your success)

We've awarded quite a few PROs until now, because if you do all this, there are a lot of results you can gain with the free version.

- we believe that you can become successful.

That's why we built this whole section dedicated solely to your success, inside the Squirrly SEO plugin you've installed.

Start working on what I've written you. You will start seeing success messages.

Keep Ranking,
Florin Muresan
CEO and Co-Founder of Squirrly
Read our Blog >>
The Squirrly Software is the heir and successor to the King Makers of old.

Silently dictating who will be the next Queens and Kings of the www, Squirrly awaits new challengers like you to pick it up and seize the power.

Each software sparks with power that was only beheld by giant corporations a decade ago... and each software puts that kind of power in your hands, so that you may rise to Victory.

Strive. Learn. Grow. Give it your all and remember that you are in the company of other queens and kings: Ann Handley, Sarah Arrow, Kim Beasley, Brian Dean, Neil Patel, HubSpot, WPengine, Kinsta, Elegant Themes, Microsoft, BBC.

Every audience and every niche needs a King. Content is NOT king. You are.

Our apprentice and master King Makers work their silent craft in London (United Kingdom), Valencia (the Kingdom of Spain), Cologne (Germany) and Cluj-Napoca (Transylvania).

Proudly registered in the United Kingdom, since 2012. We offer insanely great marketing software to 6,455 Subscription-Paying Customers in over 90 countries.
Copyright © 2021 Squirrly, All rights reserved.
Hey, you are a user of Squirrly, the only tool that helps you optimize content and measure its success. For both humans and search engines.

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20-22 Wenlock Road
London, England N1 7GU
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