5 Ρ„Π΅Π²Ρ€. 2021 Π³.

πŸ”“πŸ”₯ NOW on Education Cloud for free

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Level Up Your SEO Skill Set with 3 NEW Free Classes

3 new courses are now available for free inside Education Cloud.

^^ all you need in order to learn from these courses right now is a free Education Cloud account.

Log in to Education Cloud or get a free account to get instant access.

** Why take these courses?

SEO is a complex discipline that's always evolving. For that reason, SEO requires you to constantly be a student. 

You can use these courses to broaden your understanding of this topic, learn SEO tactics that will work in 2021, or simply channel your energy into a productive distraction.

1. SEO for Humans Course 

Take this course and get actionable tips and best practices on how to create human-centered content that ranks high on Google.

Some of the SEO skills covered in this class include: identifying profitable content topics, optimizing for human readers (not just for search engines), measuring content performance, and more.  
πŸŽ‰ Log in now and enjoy free access to this course >>

 2. Unfair SEO Advantage Course

Learn to gather data and analyze websites like an SEO expert with 9, super actionable VIDEO lessons. 

You'll see how you can gain the upper hand and outrank your web competitors on Google by making data-driven moves.  

πŸŽ‰ Log in now and enjoy free access to this course >>

3. Easy to Replicate Examples for Boosting SEO Course

With this course, you'll get to see behind the scenes and learn from three real-life SEO stories.

The best part: you'll be able to replicate the successful elements in their strategies for your own business and your own website. 

πŸŽ‰ Log in now and enjoy free access to this course >>
⏰(Don't miss out) Free Access Is Available for a Limited Only!

Every month, there are a few selected courses available with free access on Education Cloud. You can only take those courses within their dedicated timeframe. 

So, hurry up and take advantage of this opportunity to learn from these courses for free and deepen your SEO knowledge. 

OR: you can get a Premium Pass (starting $9.99 USD / month) and get access to ALL 22 courses inside Education Cloud. 

πŸ”“ Get a Premium Pass now and unlock access to ALL 22 courses >>

Available with a Premium Pass 
Get Premium Pass and Unlock Access to All Courses >>
Read our Blog >>
The Squirrly Software is the heir and successor to the King Makers of old.

Silently dictating who will be the next Queens and Kings of the www, Squirrly awaits new challengers like you to pick it up and seize the power.

Each software sparks with power that was only beheld by giant corporations a decade ago... and each software puts that kind of power in your hands, so that you may rise to Victory.

Strive. Learn. Grow. Give it your all and remember that you are in the company of other queens and kings: Ann Handley, Sarah Arrow, Kim Beasley, Brian Dean, Neil Patel, HubSpot, WPengine, Kinsta, Elegant Themes, Microsoft, BBC.

Every audience and every niche needs a King. Content is NOT king. You are.

Our apprentice and master King Makers work their silent craft in London (United Kingdom), Valencia (the Kingdom of Spain), Cologne (Germany) and Cluj-Napoca (Transylvania).

Proudly registered in the United Kingdom, since 2012. We offer insanely great marketing software to 6,455 Subscription-Paying Customers in over 90 countries.
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