16 февр. 2021 г.

Work smart

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Fighting against wasted time and wasted effort... story of my life.

There are people out there who would tell you that getting to page 1 of Google can only happen after 6 months. Why is that?

- they are wasting time and effort.

They are NOT smart.

Look, if you start working super smart you can do a lot more than all those people.

You can decide today to spend 15 minutes working properly and orderly on your SEO... or decide to spend 2347 minutes working aimlessly and getting the same results as the next guy or gal that worked just 15 minutes.

To better picture this, it all comes down to going route A or route B:

Here's something I think you haven't used and it's already included in your Squirrly SEO package:

Daily SEO Goals (or Next SEO Goals). Just click to see it.

These SEO Goals will help you work smart. They (these goals) will help you travel the A route.
SEO Goals help you work only on those things that quickly move you towards real-world results. Going the A route here! Easy.

Just check it out right now in WordPress - Squirrly - Overview. Scroll to see them. This Next SEO Goals section says different things for different sites, because everything is 100% custom-tailored to your own site. It doesn't recommend the same next actions for everyone out there.

There are at least 200 things you could be doing today to improve your SEO. 200! Well... our Daily SEO Goals will bring you 3 things to do today that really make an impact.

Drew, one of our customers had consultants telling him to go Route B and waste a lot of his time (and money). He just ditched them and got results on his own terms... far faster than any of them believed he could: read all about it here.

Okay. So I hope that all I've written you these past few days have helped.

Keep Ranking. You can totally do it yourself.
Florin Muresan
CEO and Co-Founder of Squirrly
Read our Blog >>
The Squirrly Software is the heir and successor to the King Makers of old.

Silently dictating who will be the next Queens and Kings of the www, Squirrly awaits new challengers like you to pick it up and seize the power.

Each software sparks with power that was only beheld by giant corporations a decade ago... and each software puts that kind of power in your hands, so that you may rise to Victory.

Strive. Learn. Grow. Give it your all and remember that you are in the company of other queens and kings: Ann Handley, Sarah Arrow, Kim Beasley, Brian Dean, Neil Patel, HubSpot, WPengine, Kinsta, Elegant Themes, Microsoft, BBC.

Every audience and every niche needs a King. Content is NOT king. You are.

Our apprentice and master King Makers work their silent craft in London (United Kingdom), Valencia (the Kingdom of Spain), Cologne (Germany) and Cluj-Napoca (Transylvania).

Proudly registered in the United Kingdom, since 2012. We offer insanely great marketing software to 6,455 Subscription-Paying Customers in over 90 countries.
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